FR66s vs Ikeda IT-407 CR tonearms

Has anyone compared the FR66s to the newer Ikeda IT-407 CR1 tonearm? Any thoughts? In previous years, the Ikeda was available with either copper or silver internal wiring but the recent models don't mention anything about the tonearm wiring. Can anyone comment what type of wiring is used in the latest editions? It would seem intuitive that the later Ikeda IT407 should be a better performer than the FR66s having improved material and bearings over the FR66s but the proof is in the hearing.
If you use the "Mint Tractor" from Yip, as suggested by nandric, and you want to use the Dertonarm recommended 231.5mm Pivot to Spindle distance, you need to tell Yip that P2S is 231.5mm.
And you will have to choose between Stevenson, Bearwald or Lofgren curves. Otherwise Yip will use the manufacturer's recommendation which is 230mm P2S and Stevenson as a default.
Good choice on FR64s.

Dear ddriveman, I see your post as ''implicit critic'' on my.

I am very sensitive ''against'' critical remarks so my response

is ''as critical''. Nandric mentioned ''Lew'parameter'' which means

231,5 mm pivot to spindle distance. I even added spindle dimension

because those are not ''equal''. Then 231,5 mm means Bearwald

while the distance mentioned in the user manual ( 230mm )

means Stevenson.

Thanks for the tips  @lewm   @ddriveman  and @nandric 

I have the Smart Tractor. I'm not sure what the appeal is for the mint - its difficult to use. The wally scribed templates are much better for this type - alas they won't be available again.

I don't know whether you use a specific mounting template for every different tonearm with the SMARTractor, as one does with the UNItractor, but if so, you would obviously want to buy the FR64S template from Acoustic Systems and, yes, know the diameter of your spindle, which is accommodated in the UNI design. (It comes with 3 interchangeable spindle holes that fit tightly into each of the tonearm-specific mounting templates).
Dear @nkj : Do it a favor and before you pull the trigger with Stevenson A try to understand how that kind of alignment degerades the cartridge signal against Lófgren A or B.

It does not matters which P2S you choosed the Stevenson A alignment has higher tracking distortions all over the recording grooves but the last 3-4mm inner grooves of a total around 90-92 mm.

So you have not advantages with that alignment but only severe degradation to the cartridge signal because those higher tracking distortions and you can't do nothing about.

The best way to go is to choose Löfgren A/B alignments using  Dr. Feickert protractor. For me is the best way to go but it's up to you. 

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,