Legacy Focus HDs

Lust received and hooked up my Focus HDs. Upgraded from the 2020s. Wow! I was worried because I loved the 2020s but yes these sound better. Any harshness in the highs are gone. The mid drivers are excellent and brought the mids to more accurate. The bottom end is still there but more accurate and well defined. No more bass issues. Very pleasing to listen to. If anyone has been scared to make the move to the HDs-Dont be. If you like the 2020s you will love the new HDs. Email any questions and I will be glad to try to answer them. Oh-The fit and finish is also better and the hardware such as binding post are a big upgrade as well. Good job Lagacy.
Yeah, that is what sucks about rock recordings but vinyl does help that. Never heard that about the stats, but loved the imaging and the way treble and simbles sounded. The summits have good punch. I remeber VPMP's from years ago, big huge 15 driver speakers. The speakers are much smaller in size now but pricy. They started by making kits. We had a co. in Seattle called SpeakerLab. They used to make some decent stuff years ago and you could get them in kit form. I went through a tour there when I was in Electronics school. Our teacher was a tube audio fan, he had quite the system back then. I looked at those ZU speakers, strange looking and almost to good to be true. I would think they would be blaring with horns and full range speakers. Sure would like to listen to them, they sound like they would be quite impressive. It's hard when you start getting quality stuff, but most you CD collection sounds like crap. My friends give me crap because I listen to different stuff more for a quality recording. I have this Boz Scaggs CD that just sounds incredable.. Dave Matthews, Sting, Mark Knopfler all sound good too.
I hear no Harsh sound from the 20/20's tweeters. In fact, just the other way around. They are one of the most relaxed speaker Ive ever heard! The 20/20's are the only speaker Ive ever heard that sounds close to a magnepan/logan sound, but with more dynamics, full range, and easy to drive.

Ive compared my focus 20/20's to tons of other speakers in my own home. As some have read, I buy about 1 pair of high end speakers per month, listen to them for a while and sell them again. In A/B comparisons, you would be suprised at what you hear.
I waited an entire year before trading in my original Focus speakers (purchased in 1998) for HD's. I just had a hard time believing anything could sound better than what I had.

I have put about 50 hours on the HD's and they sound fantastic! I can't wait for them to burn in at 300 hours! I always thought 50-100 hours was all that was needed.
You'll be very happy with what happens with this speaker at the 100, 200, 250+ burn-in marks. What speakers did you have before? I had the Focus 20/20's and was extremely happy with them overall; the HDs are a world apart (better) in terms of every aspect of their performance. I still have them and will not be selling or replacing them!
I agree that the 20/20's weren't harsh, but neutral and leaned slightly warm if anything. Hifiman should look at "other things".