New Adcom 👀585 SE. anybody heard this monster

I am thinking this could be fun to buy 2 of these place in bridge mode and get
about 900 watts of juice each side.   My Revel ultima 2 Salons are very hungry
Has anyone heard these.   Only 3k each
You could find someone competent with a history who can do a modification/upgrade of the palladiums, a minimal cost upgrade.

That may be a way of getting toward what you want without spending much at all.
cleaning up an amplifier can cause the dynamics we desire to come out of hiding from the noise the amplifier produces in sync with the signal. After all, this is what they are doing.
found this:" Plastic Binding Post outputs; replaced with CARDAS binding posts. Runs class A to 125 watts; generates a fair amount of heat. "
If this is true of the amps you have, then the heat will have by now wreaked havoc with the small electrolytic capacitors in the unit and its sound is going to be sub par from when new.

I don’t know what an upgrade would involve?
the amps sound great , don’t know what could be done to wrangle more power out of them?
would auto formers be workable?
Not more power, get rid of the mud that has very likely crept in... and an upgrade in speed and resolution.
this tends to be where satisfaction lies, it's just that we seldom reach it well enough to understand it.
Don't increase the volume, lower the noise floor. Ie, low distortion, high dynamics.
“found this:" Plastic Binding Post outputs; replaced with CARDAS binding posts. Runs class A to 125 watts; generates a fair amount of heat. "
If this is true of the amps you have, then the heat will have by now wreaked havoc with the small electrolytic capacitors in the unit and its sound is going to be sub par from when new.”

I don’t believe they ran Class A to 125 watts, but they were biased very high and run very warm. A shop that carried them that I used to go to (long gone) would kick them on in the morning to heat the room instead of a heater.  

They were good amps, the biggest complain they were a bit edgy in some systems.  I agree with you that the caps are likely heat degraded and recapping them would probably significantly improve the sound and newer, better quality caps could even improve it from there.  For the cost, I would give that a try first.  

The problem with bridging stereo amps is, if the speaker load is 8 ohms, then each channel sees a 2 ohm load when operating in bridged mode.  Which is okay if the speaker really is 8 ohms.  If it drops down to 4 ohms in certain areas, then each channel would see 1 ohm on those frequencies, which is NOT a good thing.