Liquid Amps

What is the most “liquid” sounding solid state amp and is “liquid” even a thing?
I always prefered tubes. I then tried a Pass First Watt, F6. I realized solid state can sound just as liquid, 3D, and smooth as a good tube amp.
I am not sure, but I think what drew me to tube amps sound, was not the tubes per se, rather it is that I love the sound of Class A topology, which can be  accomplished in a ss amp, as well as a tube amp.
I have enjoyed every Class A amp I have ever heard, to a much larger degree, than non class a.
The new 25WPC Pass amp does interest my otherwise tube-centric self, but not enough to replace my amazing (to me anyway) Dennis Had single ended tube amp. I still find it interesting that many great SS amps claim a "tube like" sound, which simply supports my tube appreciation. Besides, it's a fact that tubes are more fun (a fact I made up, but at least "seems" factish).
It's all good "Wolf".  Our Post-Modern world embraces the fluidity of facts.  Yippee!🧐