Micro RX 5000 Renaissance?

It may be just a coincidence, but looking through the various reports of the recent Munich high end event I've noticed no fewer than four (!) different turntables that all look suspiciously like the Micro RX-5000.

TW Acoustic and Kuzma launched new models visually 'inspired' by the RX-5000 design, Acoustical Systems showed a table that looks like an exact copy and DB Systems (www.micro.nl) also showed an exact copy, leaving no doubt of its objective by simply calling it 'The Tribute'. And then of course there already was the TechDas AirForce 5.

Does anyone know more about these newbies and what's under their bonnets? It would be interesting to compare their performance vis à vis the original and hear how much technology has moved forward. Or not.

While I'm a happy owner of the RX-1500G, the RX-5000 has been on my radar for quite some time. So with this Micro Renaissance going on, should I wait for a mint original to cross my path or should I go for one of these new tables? It seems Micro enthousiasts are now spoiled for choice........

My original point was that apparently some reputable brands have issued new models that could be regarded as an 'ode' to Micro. I thought it would be interesting to know how these would compare to the original, but apparently nobody has any information on this yet.

The ensuing thread went all over the map, sometimes informative and entertaining, sometimes less so. As you say, there's nothing wrong with that I suppose.

Dear @amg56:  """  I would not use the term or call people "ignorant" or call them out over their "ignorance". It is a demeaning term which will raise the heckles of anyone.  """

Why is that?. If I or you don't know the chinese language then you and me are ignorant of that language because we just don't know about/we do not learned that language. So we are ignorant on chinese language.
If we speak a little of that language then we are ignorant but with a lower level thatn the ones that can't speak or understand not a single word.

What's wrong with those? it's an insult?  why people come " angry " when when read the word ignorance/ignorant. Please tell me if I'm wrong and why I'm wrong.

here it's the definition of that word:


Attitudes like yours or edgewear  against that word for me is a real ignorance of the definition of the word in a dictionary, I'm not trying to diminish any one. 
I posted that I'm ignorant in spme/several audio susbjects and that edgewear could be less ignorant than me in some audio subjects.

Where is that " big deal " ?

I think that if something is black color you can't name it blue or white but black because this is the color !!

Don't you think?

We are here and elsewhere to learn day by day , this is whatm  permit me to grow-up and to tame my ignorance levels and this is the main, important and critical subject for any true audiophile and not to stay for ever sticky on our each one believes because the world and audio world is no exception is in constant movement and changing and we need to addapt to the true " news " subjects.

That's the way I'm. Bpolleti, yes are facts that you are not yet aware of it.


@rauliruegas I didn't mean to insult you directly. I was trying to point out that saying someone is ignorant, as akin to saying they are uneducated, or lacking knowledge or awareness in general, unsophisticated.

I am not going into an English lesson here and I apologise if I offended you.

@edgewear My BL-91L has the top line MSB-100 feet on it.

The plinth was meticulously rebuilt and restored back to original condition and balance. It was then re-veneered with 3 mil South American Mahogany, re-stained and sealed with 4 coats of hand applied satin polyurethane.

The platter on the turntable has been upgraded to solid gunmetal with additional mass added to the underside. (This is a $2200.00 upgrade). The platter weighs 22 lbs (10 Kg's) and it has been re-ground and polished to a mirror finish by MIRROR FINISH POLISHING in Kearny, Missouri. The platter was then sealed and two coats of protectant added.

The original Micro Seiki DISK-SE platter mat is also included. Two new "proper" sized belts were obtained because of the additional weight of the gunmetal platter. The inexpensive BL-91 belts would not work as well. The belt used is just slightly longer and stiffer. Cheers. A.

@amg58, I forgot that the BL-91L originally had different and more substantial feet to begin with. Perhaps these were the MSB-100, I’m not sure. But the standard feet on the BL-91 are really crappy in my opinion. From the description of your cherished 91L I’d say you made a great deal on it! Oh, and could you please  tell me where you sourced those improved belts?

This conversation has been characterized as just an ’ode’ to Micro (subtext: an ode to ourselves for having such excellent tastes), while much of what has been exchanged is about making improvements. But the basic design and engineering principles were apparently ’sound’, especially considering their age. Some of us can appreciate this achievement. Maybe it’s just ’nostalgia for the old folks’, as we are becoming ’vintage’ ourselves. But - again - it might also be the reason why some modern brands are still taking ’inspirational cues’ from some of these designs.

@rauliruegas, I guess I’m taking the bait again, but your ’defense’ is weak. The dictionairy may be ’fact’ in your universe, but language is a living thing. In everyday speech used by us regular folks, being ’ignorant’ generally means the same as being ’stupid’. Are you trying to convince us that you don’t know this?