speaker capacitors-----leave alone or does it open pandora's box ?

opened up my speakers and noticed that they use Audyn capacitors.        while the speakers sound good, are there better capacitors out there ? and if yes, could these be changed out and if they were, what effect does it have on the sound 

wondering also could  better drivers be bought  for the speakers ?


You make lots of statements based on your experience that are pure opinion

Here is your first mistake: it is based on experience and experimentation. That is not pure opinion. I make speakers and experiment with capacitors. Have you?

and they’re not very resistant to scrutiny.

This is your second mistake. The OP can easily scrutinize my suggestions by spending $40 on caps and trying them out.

All I’m saying is look at the actual specs of the things and experiment instead of obsessing about price tags, ad copy claims, and the opinions of folks on a forum. Sorry that ruffles your feathers.

Third mistake, this is exactly the opposite of what you have been saying. Sorry if that ruffles your feathers. In fact you made a number of claims about what matters without discussion about personal experience. You seemed to be relying on information from others without actually trying it yourself. 


Erik, as usual you are speaking from experience and I have long valued your speaker posts.  You have a great deal of knowledge born out of your actual building and tweaking experience with speakers.  Thanks for supporting this forum with your knowledge. Much to discover and learn regarding speaker upgrades and it is fun!
+1 don_c55! Cap replacement is for the audio neurotics - and is cheaper than going to a therapist!
I've recapped speakers. It's not brain surgery. Any idiot can do it. It gets expensive when you're needing big values with high voltages. The voltage ratings are important. Solen are my choice. Better than Audyn in my opinion.