What is the best OTL out there?

Hello. I've always been curious about OTL amplifiers, but never tried one except for the very unusual (and wonderful) Berning Siegfried, which was both SET and OTL. I wonder if there is an agreement as to which OTL currently in production can be considered to be the best. Ciao.
@charles1dad  excellent post! And that's why I say that the transistor ruined audio, it allowed all these hard to drive speakers to saturate the market place. 
analoluvr  admittedly with all things considered I do generally prefer tube  amplification rather than  solid state.   In all candor however I have heard very good sounding solid-state products so I won't throw them all out with the bathwater 😊.   Good  implementation of tubes sounds more natural to me  more often than not. Just a personal observation over the years.  I do acknowledge that solid-state dominates the audio market. 
 Yes I have heard some very good solid state as well. However I took atmospheres comments to apply to solid state as well but I could be wrong about that as I don't have much knowledge about solid-state here. I run a pair of atmosphere M60s and I am a big fan though admittedly have not heard any other OTL. I did have some pretty good single ended triode amps and preferred the 0TL to that. 
Hello Analogluvr,
I’ve heard the Atma-sphere M 60 and also the MA-1 mono blocks and can appreciate your happiness. I’ve had the Coincident Frankenstein MK II SET for 9 years and remain an ecstatic owner. It’s terrific to find audio products that truly satisfy.