
Responses from realdeal

Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
Roger,The zero as you said the problem goes away with  your poor design. 
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
in OTL design manufacturer don't mention about the specs about the tubes they used which is the most important in OTL designin,.transconductance of the tube is the sweetness of an OTL amplifier.they only built since the parts are cheap.  
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
with auto transformer,you have sacrifice the dynamics, and remember,,  an input is equal to output 
Autoformers, The Benefits in matching amp to speaker
remember input is not equal to output 
if only you could design your own OTL,then you can say this is better. 
OTL of course is way better than any SE. 
What is the best OTL out there?
OTL owners always say's the best what they have without comparing other OTL. 
Recommended Speaker List for Atma-Sphere OTL Amplifiers.
full range or electrostatic speakers are excellect for tube OTL 
What is the best OTL out there?
HI,you can never tell the best OTL unless you have knowledge of  OTL tube circuitry.  
Does OTL pre-amplifier exist?
Yes,Most of tube preamp are otl.Preamp does not require transformer output. 
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
Who made the amp?Do you know the tube topology?Looks like homebrew from inexperienced TUBE MASTER. 
Amps Atma-Sphere M-60 Mono blocks OTL design
There is always way  to design an OTL without using the ZERO,an OTL with  output transformer??  
What's your OTL tube amp experience and suggestion?
Not all OTL are the same in tube topology some are very reliable than others 
OTL amplifiers
These are your choices from an OTL amp.1)Tubes used as output,DHT or not DHT.2)output in watts.3)Topology.4)compare/audition each one if you could before buying.Forget others opinion,trust your ears. . 
I used to think passive preamps were superior to active preamps given right the setup, but
You can argue what ever you like but passive is the way to go and all others Solid state/tube are modified/altered in such away to sound better.