Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
Why on earth not?
That's EXACTLY what the detracters are doing!
Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.
If you cant stand the heat keep out of the kitchen.
And other wearisome likewise quotes...…. 
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Mitch sez:

  • Right out of the playbook. You might want to consider not questioning what others do or don't hear. 

Are you kidding, Mitch? You've been posting in these threads long enough. I'm assuming that you've read all of the responses, right? How many naysayers have told us what we can't hear, or that what we are hearing is nothing more than expectation bias? Hell man, they even tell us that when they haven't used the item at issue for themselves. 

If you "claim" to hear things (nobody actually knows what anybody else hears) that others don't, you should be able to handle the criticism especially if you use extreme hyperbole in those claims. The difference between an SR fuse and, for example, a Littelfuse IS works perfectly as designed, from a company with a stellar reputation for safety and consistency and costs 2 bucks or so, and the other costs 100 to 150 bucks for reasons nobody can explain...except sales profit. Now that "sounds" different for sure! Also, I was talking about imagined valve stem covers that would be a joke if 10 times as expensive as standard, not racing stripes which have obvious performance benefits...everybody knows that...
At last we agree
But you REALLY do need to try those new valve stem covers with graphene!