rockin bookshelf size speaker-flightable

price range = $500 to $1500
will be powered by an Onkyo RZ
i am looking for a bookshelf or stand mountable sized speaker that brings the rock. i listen to alot of stoner, doom and grungy rock as well as classic.rawk.. not much else besides EDM. i have to fly these in checked luggage.

any idears from the Audio Classifieds?
i see Harbeth P3 ESR that is about the right price..
yes, flightable you read that right

I love JBL sound.. currently have some LSR 305s..

I am very interested in the Dynaudio 160
is there a big difference between the 140 and 160?
Didn’t notice before you were powering these with a reciever. Dynaudios like a high current amp. Not sure the Onkyo would do justice to them. I would look for something more efficient if you are planning on keeping the Onkyo. 
Paradigm signature S2 can rock pretty good if you can find a used pair. Totally different flavor though. 
 A couple of years ago, for a bedroom system, I picked up a pair of Wharfedale Denton 80th anniversary speakers. From your request I think they would fit the bill well. Also they are very easy to drive. I use a (preowned) NAD C326 BEE integrated and they sing.