chinese counterfeitng

I own dartzeel amp and preamp. I was checking out pricing and noticed dartzeel amp selling for $650 on ebay. I checked into this and they make it look externally the same but obviously not internally. The sellers were mainly from China.  If they can make the amp look real I bet is would be an easy process to fake a cable or anything else for that matter

There are fakes for everything, from AC plugs to amplifiers. There are even "semi-fakes" like M&K had. Same factory produces it's own run, not even tested, sells out the back. 
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It's been a big problem for a while. Think about the airplane you are flying in--what if some part had been inadvertently installed from counterfeit sources? (I don't know that there have been any instances of crash/failure resulting from this but you can imagine some parts, perhaps those used in medical technology as well, can pose life or death issues). 
hi-end cables are fake in general so if you make fake out of fake, it defies the purpose of fake. chinese folks don't have no diety including audiophilia and so can make 'identical' cheaper products without compromise to quality.
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