rockin bookshelf size speaker-flightable

price range = $500 to $1500
will be powered by an Onkyo RZ
i am looking for a bookshelf or stand mountable sized speaker that brings the rock. i listen to alot of stoner, doom and grungy rock as well as classic.rawk.. not much else besides EDM. i have to fly these in checked luggage.

any idears from the Audio Classifieds?
i see Harbeth P3 ESR that is about the right price..
yes, flightable you read that right

Pair of wharfdale jade 3s on Audiogon for $650. Looks like a good deal. I think you want to go with a 3 way speaker for the kind of music you listen to. 
yes, i saw those. rather damaged on the bottom of one speaker
do you think those are "better" than the Dentons?
especially for rawk?
Never heard either one honestly. There’s just not a lot a lot of manufacturers making 3 way monitors that I know of. They measure well and get good reviews. I think for rock and faster bass heavy music it would definitely be a benefit having the dedicated mid driver. 
Wharfedales have middle-road dynamics, not exactly "polite," but not thrilling either. For kicking dynamics within your budget: JBL, Epos, Bryston, Klipsch, and Focal.