Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
David ...

Zuill Bailey is a wonderful cellist. I acquired some of his music after you spoke of him before. Thanks for that ... :-)

    I received my second e mat yesterday.  Now 24 hours later I have heard further improvements.  The thing I noticed right away was that I have even more bass and more of a fuller sound in my room.  Soundstage continues to expand and yes the noice floor has dropped even more.  The inner details previously hidden are more apparent.  It is great fun to crank the music and have a system that totally sings and is not missing a beat or under any stress,  and this is when I really crank the sound to what used to be its stress limit.  Music sounds so live and real and full of energy.  I have never had this much fun with my music system and even a lot of my old cds from the 80s are sounding good
I have a question for those with several mats. Has anyone experimented which components or which combination of components sound best with the mats? I have 3 mats and initially decided to place 1 on the power conditioner since all my components are plugged into it. (I didn't place a mat on my circuit breaker box but applied TC to the inside of the door instead).  The other 2 mats were placed on the music server and the dac but not the tube integrated amp. I could experiment switching or stacking the mats but that could take several weeks since it takes about 2 weeks for the mats to reach their full potential with each component. Any recommendations?
After 603 posts about the Omega E-Mat I decided to pull the trigger and order one. I plan to place it, using the magnetic side, to the inside of my 200 amp service located in the basement just outside of my listening room. I’m hoping to hear improvements in audio down here and visual improvements on my 65" UHD screen.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if any customers have returned the E-Mat after sufficient trial time? 🤔
hifiman5 ...

  • "Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if any customers have returned the E-Mat after sufficient trial time?"

None that I know of. Everyone seems to be happy with the mats. Congrats, by the way. You’ve made a good choice for the location of your "first" mat. :-)

ronrags ...

I, and others, found that under the line stage is the best place to double up the mats. That’s after placing one in the circuit breaker box though.
