Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
After 603 posts about the Omega E-Mat I decided to pull the trigger and order one. I plan to place it, using the magnetic side, to the inside of my 200 amp service located in the basement just outside of my listening room. I’m hoping to hear improvements in audio down here and visual improvements on my 65" UHD screen.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if any customers have returned the E-Mat after sufficient trial time? 🤔
hifiman5 ...

  • "Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if any customers have returned the E-Mat after sufficient trial time?"

None that I know of. Everyone seems to be happy with the mats. Congrats, by the way. You’ve made a good choice for the location of your "first" mat. :-)

ronrags ...

I, and others, found that under the line stage is the best place to double up the mats. That’s after placing one in the circuit breaker box though.

I also think the circuit breaker box is an excellent location for a first Mat. If possible place it in the circuit breaker after a listening session and then let it start to equilibrate overnight before your first listen. I think you will hear additional changes at about 3 days, and then a blossoming of sound  at 12-14 days. I think you  should have a firmly stabilized system at 21 days.
I found this time table also applied to visual improvement in my video system.Sharper images, more 3D sensation, and more vivid colors. Old black and white movies also benefit from the Mat.


I have not tried the Mat with my tube amplifiers, but my circuit breaker was completely treated with Total Contact before I added a Mat at this location. The Mat gave additional benefits. The Mat certainly has a positive effect with Pass Lab amplifiers.

David Pritchard

Just the one E-Mat over the main breaker panel has improved the picture quality (depth and color) on a Sony 940D and suprisingly, the bass and depth of a pair of ADS 600s two way speakers attached to a Yamaha CR600.  My wife and I are amused and happy to have elevated the audio of our TV so much (sounds twice as big) with just a single E-Mat over the main breaker panel.  The main audio system is located 50' away and isolated with it's own subpanel and 12" thick double walls.  
Continuing the idea of improving one’s Audio-Visual System: Yesterday I upgraded the wall outlet to the AV system to a Synergistic Research Blue outlet. Another improvement to movie watching satisfaction. Picture quality improved and Audio dynamics especially improved.
The combination of using Omega E Mats and Synergistic Research Blue outlets is most satisfying.
David Pritchard