Why people says SE is better PP

Im new and I have more 20 years with tube amps. I prefer SEMy work in my gallery:https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipOYq0r3yyYjkhz179q5evuYNSCotX8Bl0oG5exYcM-KRBbhIGjGYMWFBLMSx-YD...
Id like to change the discussion....What it should it not contain the tube amp? IMO, NFB that press the scene of the sound sending the part of signal back into the previouse stage. Unique amp must be built lineary without NFB. IMO, never use tone control that change the sound. If You need more bass, put big bass speaker, if You need more high freeq. - put sensitivity tweeters, if You need meedle fr. - put sensitivity fullrange not less 8 inch. IMO, Hi End is back proportional to the number of composite parts - use simple decisions with not cheep parts. Every passive part change the sound. IMO, in SE iron for OT must be 10-20 time more than output power, /for 5 W never use 5 W OT/. IMO, in power supply use kenotrones, that provide soft start and soft amazing sound. Every time use iron chock and hmmm will be far from Your ears. IMO, do not use iron enclosure that collect noises....But your opinions?
I have a Will Vincent (autospec) SE45 built on a Dynaco chassis. Only 1.75 watts but it sure can get my vintage Heresy's to go loud!
I built and listen every time SE EL11 Telefunken in triod with EBF11 Telefunken in triod - 1.5 W and I think  this output tube is the best for all times - only brand Telefunken - made from Valvo, Telef. didnt make tubes.!
Single-ended sounds better IMHO, but requires sensitive loudspeakers. One power tube handles the entire wave form.