Aftermarket Fuses

Can I set the ground rules up front?? I hope so. There are two camps. One who can hear different audible reproduction using aftermarket fuses. The second camp can not justify in theory, or can not hear a difference in fuses. Fine. I respect both camps. Can we hold this discussion to those who can hear an audible difference in fuses?? Can we? If so, what is your choice in aftermarket fuses and describe, please, what you hear.
Apply contact enhancer to each end of the fuse and insert back into the fuse holder. 
And for cradle type fuse holders, you can take a small orthodontic rubber band and wrap around the top of the holder at each end to apply a little pressure to the contacts.  You can also wrap a piece of Teflon tape around the glass body to dampen ringing.

Anybody here have an opinion on "Create Audio Deluxe" fuses? They are much less expensive than SR fuses. Just wondering how they compare or if anyone has actually tried them. Note that I'm just using standard (littlefuse) fuses now. 
It's a fuse, and if it is functioning as designed, to protect the component, it will have zero impact on the tonality or performance of any audio component, regardless of what people think they hear in "premium" fuses. Standard Littelfuse products are all you need, the rest are simply a scam to sell you things. You're welcome.
The only aftermarket fuses I own are some I bought in perhaps a crazed moment like eight years ago (when they had to have been only like $25 each, No way would I have paid more). When I cleaned up my Magnepan 3.6 to sell, I noticed the HiFi Tuning fuses in the 3.6.So I took them out and stuck them into my new 20.7 Maggies. The tweeter fuse was the exact same. The 20.7 midrange is 5 amps instead of 4 like the 3.6 But Too small is not big deal. So I stuck it in anyway. I never play very loud music anyway.
So I have a few old forgotten fuses and the main Question: "Do they make a difference?" I have no idea. I stuck them in while the speakers were breaking in so I never tried to compare, and since I am lazy, I ain’t gonna bother swapping them around to find out for sure. (because I do not care). BTW I noticed the HiFi Tuning fuses are directional.                    
Anyone can totally discount my ’qualifications’ for any audiophile blather by pointing out I always use a $40 five disc CD changer for all 5" silver disc playing. (And the fact I Toslink the data to a $7000 SACD player I used as a DAC.. Through to a newly purchased Conrad Johnson ACT2 I use as a "fancy tube buffer" clearly bonkers.) So don’t mind me and fuses.. But I have bought in to high end AC duplex. just not fuses so much.