Web / Streaming Radio

I have been willing to listen to some high quality web streaming radio for some time now. When I say high quality I mean high quality of CONTENT. There's so much content in the Internet to make your head spin. Any radio search service you get into will list TENS OF THOUSANDS of streaming radios. Really, too many. But when you sample a few, at least IMHO, the quality of the content is less than average, most of them have similar content, most of them focus on Pop / Rock hits; or worst ambient / elevator music. At the end of the day you spend a lot of time browsing around and don't get much satisfaction, at least this was my experience.

I am mostly interested in classic music and jazz. But ideally I would want something that would allow me to discover new music. Enough with radio station that provide Beethoven symphonies and a couple of Bachs and whose idea of classical music is something that begins in the 1820s and ends in the 1880s.

Can anyone recommend a few high quality classical and jazz streaming services ? Or even better a directory that lists a small number of those ?



The Toronto Jazz FM 91 is pretty progressive. Also run on East Coast time so I miss a great deal. Voted best Jazz station on earth at least once. :) 

However, I mostly listen to KCSM. These days I'm not so much into discovery so much as relaxing. 
For jazz I listen to Jazz 24 and for classical I stream Classic FM 90.7 out of Holland. Both are at high enough bit rate for me.