PrimaLuna amp good match for Thiel CS 2.3?

Thinking about pairing PrimaLuna with Thiel CS 2.3s, with these speakers assume I’d benefit greatly from amps on the high end of PL’s wpc range, and looking to purchase on the used market in the $2000-3000 range, so considering ProLogue 7s up to DiaLogue Premium HP.  Any watch-outs or recommendations?  Rogue or CJ also possibilities.....
thosb OP
Almarg has given you good info heed it!

The Prima Luna no matter what model, is not a good match with these speakers, it may work and sound ok to you, but you can bet your bottom dollar your not getting the best from the speakers, especially in the bass mid/bass where all the current is needed.

Cheers George
+1 @georgehifi ,

OP, Almarg does indeed give good info, disregard his advice at your own peril.

tomcarr456 posts08-22-2018 7:18am+1 @georgehifi ,

OP, Almarg does indeed give good info, disregard his advice at your own peril.

Your welcome, he has his good days, and then some diplomatic fence days, when it comes to "voodoo" in audio.

Cheers George
I had 2.3's and used a pair of modified Threshold T-50's. They put out 100 wpc in pure Class A. 2.3's love high current amps. The late Jim Thiel was not a tube guy. He really liked pairing his speakers w/Bryston amps.
The Bryston’s might have worked well with the earlier Thiel model’s, but the later models with their sub 4 Ohm loads might be better served with alternate amplification.