Help with kef r900 issue

I bought a pair of kef r900 speakers from kefdirect in April 2018. I enjoy them most of the time, but with some vocals, e.g., Alan Jackson, Allison Krauss and Mary Chaplin Carpenter, at nearly any level, they sometimes make a ripping, tearing or distorted sound that is hard to describe. Initially, I used a McIntosh MC202 with 200 rms, and now a Rotel RB 1590, with identical results. Initially, I used a very old Transparent Musiclink cable and now a Transparent Plus, again with identical results. I’m about to dump these unless I can figure it out since KEF has no one in the NW to repair them and they advise against paying to ship them (I agree). Before I write them off as a bad bargain, theories are solicited! Thanks
Thanks, folks, but I’ll go with what I know. I may be retired and rusty, but I’m not dead, and I will not be treated this way.

i do remember my way to the courthouse, and if they moved it my car has gps. 💸
@Jetter. I didn’t ignore you, I just forgot and so I apologize. As I’ve said several times, I’ve used two different sets of preamps and amps, and cables, the latter about 20 years difference in design. I’m dealing with probabilities....🤷🏿‍♂️

Again, I’m sorry I failed to reply in substance, and apologize.

Apparently, Mr, Sheinbaum, without limitation, fails to understand that payment was solicited, made and accepted under PayPal, so its terms, covenants and conditions supersede or displace those he relies on to substantively stiff arm me, and similarly, Mr. Sheinbaum fails to understand that unconscionable terms and warranty limitations are invalid, unenforceable and void or voidable at MY election.

i’ll certainly research the freight and insurance rates but it’s starting to look as though my costs to prepare and ship approximate $800 to $1,000, assuming I can find someone to palletize the load for a rational sum, to get the lowest rates.

My bad maritime51, while I knew that you had changed the speaker cables, I thought that they were all of the same brand.  Hope you sort it all out. 

Thanks. KEF appears to want a fight, and I’ll provide it to them so that others don’t stumble into this trap for the unwary such that substantively, the remedy is unduly burdensome or too harsh, and thus worthless.
I listened to your Mary Chapin Carpenter cut last night.  The speakers in situ at my summer home have aluminum dome teeters and I didn’t hear any nasty noises, but I will say that it is one bright recording.
A speaker with a silk dome tweeter would have a better chance of taming that recording.