Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?

are there any owners out here. setup tips , wire, amps. thanks Greg
same here.  That's cool if so.  Also, awesome about the CT version of the VLF.  That's really cool if that's teh speaker for you.
Has anyone auditioned or purchased the VLR CT yet?  Very anxious to a/b against my standard VLRs.
@gcknapp my acquire VLR CT with soundanchor stands plan got submarined by a pair of ancient Quad ESL-63 that i am refurbishing....

I could make an attempt to borrow a set of the VLR and stands and provide some comparison to the Treo CT, doubtful I could get the sub 3 at same time that would be fascinating....but also quite room and musical taste dependant.....imo most music does not really require a true subwoofer...that is probably a seperate thread.....
I think with the sub 9's it would be fascinating, lol.....sub 3's just a musical full range little system for smaller rooms.  How awesome is that???!!!! lol...I agree on the subs as you know ;)....  Typically you want a nice overlap of sub and sat to integrate properly.  Sub integration has come a long way though since they became so popular some years ago.  Richard does it as well as anyone I've heard to date.