
Responses from gcknapp

Vandersteen VLR CT
Ultra Fidelis may be demoing a pair of VLR CT’s at Axpona in April.  Currently own the base model, which is incredible. 
Looking for an Integrated Amplifier to match Totem Rainmaker Speakers
Truly believe so.  Sounds spectacular on my Vandersteens. 
Looking for an Integrated Amplifier to match Totem Rainmaker Speakers
Just picked up a demo Creek Evolution 50A to pair with Vandersteen VLR speakers.  Front end is a Bryston BDP-pi streamer with a Mytek Liberty DAC.  Considerable upgrade to my Hegel H80, which the Creek replaced.  Better soundstage, detail and tran... 
Bryston BDP-pi
Still love my pi.  Bought a Mytek Liberty dac to pair with it, and sound is extraordinary.  Leave on all the time, per Bryston. 
HEGEL H80 DAC upgrade recommendation 2018
I thought it was better.  The HD25 is somewhat dated and does not support latest streaming, such as MQA. 
HEGEL H80 DAC upgrade recommendation 2018
Mytek was more naturally sounding, with better soundstage. 
HEGEL H80 DAC upgrade recommendation 2018
Hegel HD 12 and HD 25 
HEGEL H80 DAC upgrade recommendation 2018
A-Both coax digital and optical.  Coax sounded better.B-yes.  Kimber PK 10.balanced output. 
HEGEL H80 DAC upgrade recommendation 2018
Placed liberty in system tonight.  Beautiful, articulate sound.  Major upgrade to Hegel integrated Dac.  Many thanks to Dave at Audio Emporium for sage advice and wisdom. 
HEGEL H80 DAC upgrade recommendation 2018
I have owned my Hegel H80 for two plus years, and am investigating a dac upgrade as well.  Currently am using a Bryston BDP-pi digital player into the Hegel internal dac, powering a set of Vandersteen VLR speakers.  Kimber Kabyle interconnect, spe... 
Bryston BDP-pi
Agree.  Roon is fantastic, with great compatibility and identification of albums and tracks.  Well worth the pricing structure. 
Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?
Has anyone auditioned or purchased the VLR CT yet?  Very anxious to a/b against my standard VLRs. 
Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?
Vandersteen advises the VLR CT is now available, with a 3 week wait time.  $3075 for a pair.  Awaiting word on finishes and specs. 
Bryston BDP-pi
Afte one month have the following observations:1. The BDP pi is an awesome reproducer of my music collection.  It is versatile, trouble free and gives an honest representation of my music files, stored in Apple lossless compression.2. The Manic Mo... 
Vandersteen VLR Wood ..any love for these?
 Unqualified recommendation. Never had a better set of speakers.