So I just inherited a bunch of CD's and some are made overseas...

For instance, one is a King Crimson CD.  I have a copy made in the USA and another of the same made in Germany.   

I also have some classical dupes.  Same album, one made in the USA and the other is made in Japan.

Other than the liner notes which are in a foreign language, is there any difference between them sonically?  


I have Disraeli Gears on vinyl.  Great record!  To bad it wasn't in the boxes I just got! I will have to get the CD some day.

Spent the long weekend going through the over 900 CD's.  Gonna keep about 225 and donate the rest to a local college who has  yearly sale.  The proceeds go to helping the blind.

Thanks for putting up with my questions. 

@roberjerman, if you ever get into L.A., head to Amoeba Music on Sunset Blvd., close to Vine. Insane record store!
If you’re in Berkeley, CA, drop by the Amoeba store on Telegraph. It’s definitely worth a visit!
Just found a website called Discogs.  Nothing but album information. 
Did you know that album Court of the Crimson King was made 279 times. And Fragile by Yes, between vinyl, 8 track, cassette and CD was made 466 times! 

Boy do I have reading to do.