Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
Congratulations on the upgrade. Your Synergistic Red outlet will continue to improve over the next 100 hours. Adding a SR Blue outlet o feed the rest of the system is a great idea. The Blue will sound already partially broken right out of the box, really good after 3 days and reach it's maximum improvement after about 10 days. The combination of using a Red and Blue outlet in a system is working great for me.

David Pritchard
Time has passed. I bought one more Furutech GTX-D NCF Rhodium duplex. And a few Furutech ’28’ Rhodium plugs.(the first two plugs to replace a pair of Wattgate copper (cheap) at the kitchen wall. Finished (and actually redid the first few duplex) Furutech duplex in the Furman REF20i. No wire replacement. Was able to do all with the original wiring. Deliberately plugged my in-use preamps into the new Rhodium duplex/ To see how it changes the sound (again).
With buying the latest Rhodium I have a gold left over. I do have an unused box on one of the two lines with a old duplex it it. I may stick it in there just to be sure the wiring is good inside. I have no memory of how I wired it into one quad AC line It was at least seven years ago. I may move one power conditioner too. That may work well with that extra duplex anyway.I currently have the Furman halfway from main rack to amp. As I used to have the amp plugged in to the Furman. Now I do not. so no need to have it so far away from main rack.I am liking the Rhodium more. At first, the Rhodium was annoying, but as time passes the Rhodium just gets better.
I also made a home made power cord with my quad twist wire, and a pair of Furutech ’28’ Rhodium plugs. To use between the floor box and Furman REF20i. It was the same price (with the sale going on at VH Audio) as a Pangea AC9SE signature (2 m). After breaking in for a month I can compare then and see if it is any better. sounding. I made a different PC with a my Quad wire, Wattgate silver Edison plug, and a base Wattgate ICE copper. It SUCKED. I guess I am getting fussier about how my AC plugs sound?            
I saved 31% off retail (average) with sales on duplex and plugs I bought.
Just to clarify (too late to modify) the words’"and a base Wattgate ICE"copper" It SUCKED. was in error.
The base Wattgate IEC plug is all brass, not copper. (the silver is silver plated brass.)
This morning I installed the LAST Furutech duplex (I just bought it a few days ago.  decided one more Rhodium for the high current lines in the Furman (witch I use for preamps) was a good idea.So I took out a gold from the Furman While gluing the big piggyback line cleaner/gizmos to the two High current duplex, instead of just let them hang.Then took THAT gold used to add a single box to the (previous) end of the amp line, thus allowing me to extend it four feet, (with 4ft of quad wire) and the original box with two Furutech to new end of amp line now four feet closer to amp. Allowing a maybe 1.5 m or definite 2m powercord. Where before it really had to be at least three meters and I had used a four meter powercord. (ever see what a high end FOUR METER power cord costs???)
I hope I am DONE with duplex. (a least until.....)