record collectors/record collecting/ e bay

I assume everybody here is tired of e bay's  no nothing redneck  record "dealers"? These hillbillies  are killing any enjoyment left  in  in a declining business .I'm  sick of it!.  Expensive AND chit quality! 

I have to admit smart folks dropped vinyl 20 years ago. The genius dropped it in the 90's. Once rock and roll became declasse,, this thing died.

I've bought some really fine records on Ebay at fair prices. Bought some dogs too. If I haven't bought from a particular seller before, I always send a message to them saying that I'm a record collector and expect their grading to be accurate. I also tell them that if they misrepresent the condition, I will give them a negative feedback. I've only had to do that one time. The "redneck hillbilly" listed the record at NM ... when I got it, it was ready for the vinyl recycling bin. So,  his feedback from me read: "Do not by vinyl records from this person. Their grading system is a fraud!"

I've found some good sellers on Ebay. For used vinyl I check all items they have for sale to make sure they are not records pulled from the garbage pile and also check their past sales.
The good sellers will have a consistant amount of quality vinyl.

I've returned a couple of LPs and the sellers had no problem with that.
There are sellers to avoid, but I dont understand the term "Redneck hillbilly record dealers."

I gave up listening to vinyl about 2 years ago and one of the reasons was the poor quality of the lps.  I’d buy something listed as VG or better and it would frequently arrive unplayable.  I fought with a few dealers but that gets old.
  I used to work in a record store in the 70s.  Many of the new lps we sold were just awful and we were always fighting with customers over returns.  I came to realize that many of the lps I was buying were those same lps, only someone played them for years, then probably stored them in basements or garages for a quarter century
before selling them off

CD’s at goodwill.

Vegas goodwill is a treasure island for CD’s. I am still amazed at the selection. Las Vegas is also still a hot spot for vinyl stores too, but you have to be hooked up with the right folks. Saying that, the grading certainly has loosened the last several years over all. It seems like this might even be a generation thing.

I still pick up vinyl for friends but I too have moved on from tables. About the vinyl revival. The vinyl revival thing I don’t see happening in my town (at a high end level). There was much talk about the TT coming back a couple of years ago, but I must have missed it. Not saying that in a bad way, just saying I didn’t see it take place locally.

Michael Green

Sorry uber i have had no luck on ebay maybe you got some cool stuff.Good luck!!