Linn Audio

Just curious why there’s not a single discussion on Audiogon forum regarding Linn. Linn makes outstanding gears and speakers as well. Especially their DS (digital streamer/DAC) such as the Linn Klimax DS or DSM, Linn Akurate DS or DSM, and Linn Majik DS or DSM. IMO Linn is very innovative and I have always loved their products, especially their digital source components (DS/DSM) and the famous Linn Sondek LP12 turntable with their own accompanying accessories.
Linn makes very musical sounding gears. Even their speakers are pretty awesome too esp when paired with all Linn electronics. Why no luv for Linn?

For my main two-channel setup in my dedicated two-channel room I used to have all Linn Klimax setup and system, from the Klimax DS, LP 12 Klimax version turntable all the way to the Linn Klimax 350 passive floorstanding speakers. But mine was a non-Exakt system. I used to be a Linnie. 

I also like the fact that all Linn gears (electronics) are compact and do not take much space, especially Linn Klimax gears. You will even have less components if you go with Linn Exakt system/setup.
Loved my old Kan IIs, like my current Tukans a lot. But that's about  as far as I drink the Koolaid.
Polarizing LP12 kind of took the thread over didn't it, lol.  I also noted that the "Linn attitude" was a turn off.  A few other Brit-based manufacturers were mentioned as not being discussed much here (in the US I'm assuming).
What about the quality of the equipment? (Output sound, build quality and on and on).
The Linn dealer near to where I reside (and I'm talking "back in the day (80's-90's)" was nothing but enthusiastic about Linn (bang for the buck type of quality) but never conveyed the illusion of Linn being the be all-end all of high end audio equipment; in fact, they would happily demo other equipment that was considered (and sounded) better...but also cost a good deal more too! That's my experience (for what it's worth).
LP12 had been the defacto high end that many record lovers willing to pay more for something better coveted for many years and the benchmark for other later high end products to match or exceed.

I’ve had my Linn Axis since 1986 and still loving it. The next oldest piece in my main system is a good 20+ years younger.

I see other Linn gear come up for sale here that would appear to offer very good value since not talked about much at all here these days.    Maybe we buyers should keep it that way.
A new LP12 with majik arm is about $3800 in the US.
There is an LP12 with Ittok (ancient) arm and Grado cartridge for sale on here for $2999, so they do hold their value it would appear. Then again does it makes sense to buy an really old turntable that is basically stock when you can get a new one for only $800 more that is also more up to date? hmmmm. For me I would be happy with a Rega 6.
After visiting many hi-fi shows here in the UK during the seventies and hearing the LP12 demonstrated by Linn personnel,  I was not convinced or persuaded to buy one (and the same applies to Naim gear). The LP12 was standard fair for many of the demo rooms often hidden away and balanced precariously on wash basins in hotel bathrooms !!. The best Linn demo I heard was a complete high end system wired throughout with Nordost Valhalla, when Nordost was "must have" cable. However, I was always impressed by the sound in the Michell rooms and having chatted with John Michell opted for the Gyrodec. This has been upgraded to Orbe status over the intervening years, and with an SME V tonearm complete with Koetsu Black cartridge. If I did upgrade, it would have to be the SME turntable 15 or 20, but sadly a windfall on the lottery will be needed.