Do I need a sub woofer to match my ATC SCM11s

I love my speakers (ATC SCM 11s), but am wondering if adding a sub woofer would better my experience? The speakers are on stands being driven by a Hegel H160. Any suggestions/tips to further enhance my system would be greatly appreciated. 


     If you like your ATC mains and have the space in your room, I think I have a good solution for you.
     It's called a distributed bass array system and it provides state of the art bass response in virtually any room and integrates seamlessly with any speakers.  It basically consists of 4 subs strategically placed in the room  that delivers exceptionally good bass throughout the entire room, not just at a designated 'sweet spot.  
     These dba systems can be purchased as complete kits (4 rather small 2.5'h x2'w x1'd unamplified subs with a 1K watt amp with equalizer and crossover) such as the Audio Kinesis Swarm and DEBRA systems for about $3K or you can build your own custom dba using your choice of subs.  Here's a link to a review of the Swarm system by The Absolute Sound:

     I have large Magnepan panel loudspeakers which are notoriously difficult speakers to integrate with subs.  I bought the Audio Kinesis DEBRA complete kit( almost identical to the Swarm) a few years ago and I'm thrilled with it.  It's given my system seamlessly integrated bass down to 20 Hz +/- 3dB that's capable of reproducing accurate, natural and life-like bass whether the bass content is deep and powerful or fast and taut.

    I'm almost certain a dba would work equally well with your speakers and room. Audio Kinesis also offers a 30-Day in-home trial period .on the Swarm and DEBRA.
     I have no connections of any kind with Audio Kinesis, I'm just a very satisfied customer.
Good luck, 


Thanks so much for all the help and suggestions. After thinking about it more, I'm definitely keep the ATCs, like mapman mentioned, the build quality of these speakers are excellent and aside from sounding somewhat thin, I think it's probably a good idea to try and improve upon them instead of starting fresh. I'm going to look into sub woofer options. The array system sounds awesome, but sadly it won't work for my space. I'll look seriously at the E110. Are there any other good subs that would integrate well with the ATCs?

With regards to cables, I'm using Kimber PBJs for my RCAs and Kimber 8TCs for my speaker cable. I'm really unsure how much of a difference these play, but mind as well have decent cable as it's not something that I'll replace too often.

Can you guys recommend a reasonably priced power cable for my Hegel H160 Integrated amp?

Thanks again!

If you want really professional sub I can recommend the ATC :

Regarding power cables I am using Atlas cables but they are quite expensive .Wireworld and Audioquest have very good power cables in reasonable price.

Thanks! I was hoping to spend a little less than ATC's entry sub. I'm going to a Rel dealer after work to have a listen. Anyone have any experience with them? Seems like their emphasis is on music and not home theater.
REL used to have separate models for music or home theater, not sure if they still do...I had one for music and it was excellent, and neither large nor expensive