Replacing generic RECEPTACLES

How important is it to replace your generic receptacles with audio grade receptacles . I already replaced my stock power cords to high end Shunyatas. Would it still be necessary to still change my generic receptacles to audio grade? 
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman
boxer12, I was writing to fulfill your request for over ten minutes when my computer turned itself off. the Universe is telling me not to write a review at this time! Sorry, I take coincidences under serious consideration. So no review  at this time. Maybe in a few weeks.
“I recently replaced my old $5 hospital grade outlets with $100 Oyaide R1's and replaced my old dedicated line comprised of 13 ga Romex with cryo'ed 10. The improvement; minimal. “

Uggghhhh!!!! THIS is testament to the ridiculousness of the pursuit of hifi from power cables. First, there is no such thing as “13 ga Romex”. Second, we are talking about alternating current at 60Hz, which is filtered for high frequency transients, then stepped down on the order of 5:1 then rectified and filtered again, then regulated and filtered once yet again.

As long as you are not experiencing a significant I*R voltage drop across a puny 18 AWG power cord and 59 cent duplex receptacle with backstab connections to your amplifiers, you have more than sufficient energy transfer at your amplifiers(‘) disposal to maximize their design potential. 

Please people, don’t buy into the mythical notions that a rhodium plated silver power cord (or some other cockamamie bulls@$&t) is going to revolutionize your listening experience with “blacker blacks” or other nonsense. It is simply and purely a function of the amplifier, not the power cord. 
I see my diatribe about your proselytizing in another thread has not dampened your efforts, sleepwalker65. I guess you are aptly named. Sleepwalking though a great era in High Fidelity. And so certain about your beliefs! Good for you! Just keep it up, I am certain someone, somewhere will find your efforts to be enlightening.You really may have a calling. Maybe walk around Times Square with a sandwich board proclaiming "WIRES ARE WIRES" and you can pass out pamphlets on the dangers of High End power toys.
sleepwalker, I couldn't disagree more. I suspect your system or hearing isn't up to the task. Because of that, nobody else's is either. To use your words... What "cockamamie bulls@$&t".   

elizabeth, I look forward to your review