Might try a tube preamp

I’ve been toying with the idea of giving tubes a try and thought I would start with a tube preamp running to my SS amp and see how I liked it.    

After reading reviews and looking through some of the posts here on Audiogon I’ve been thinking of a LTA micro ZOTL or rogue audio RP-7 - each around $5k.   Thoughts on these?  

Or would I be better off looking for something else used here on Audiogon?  Maybe a ARC Ref 5 or LS-28?  I’m pretty new to tubes so am open to options.

What is your budget? Do you need a phono section? What amplifier are you driving? Does it have a balanced input?
You may well be aware of this and have done some research to hone in on the tube type you are after, but if not ,  different tube types as well as brands within the same type will offer different presentation so you might want to zero in on that first before amp brands
@facten so right. Personally I like the sound of  good 6SN7 tubed base pre. YMMD 
Get a Schiit Freya...a great sounding preamp that has some unique features including the ability to switch in and out of the tube section into passive or FET, has balanced and single ended ins and outs, has a very accurate volume control, and costs peanuts relative to pretty much everything out there.