Do speaker cables need a burn in period?

I have heard some say that speaker cables do need a 'burn in', and some say that its totally BS.
What say you?

I called Morrow today to see where the cables I ordered were after having to hold the order until I returned from a vacation (on their way it seems), and asked them what I should do if I like the pre burned in jest of course...they did say I was the first to ask that...they told me to listen only a few minutes a day and un-plug them after. 
OK, here’s what you should do after purchasing any cables for best results.

1. Send them off to cryo lab. While many high end cables are cryod by the manufacturer, Cryoing twice is better. Once you get them back from the cryo lab give them about a week to recover from thermal shock before critical eval.

2. Establish correct direction.

3. Burn in using burn in track or burn in device.

4. Suspend cables from ceiling using fishing line and eye hooks to escape vibration and static electric fields.

5. Apply the contact enhancer of your choice to all electrical contacts.

Or, be a sane person and ignore all of Kaitty’s suggestions by simply plugging them in and enjoying can establish correct direction by noting the direction indicated on basically every cable line indeed, as if that causes them to escape the harmless vibration that travels through the air...also, what about the cables inside your speakers? Aren't they getting the brunt of the supposed negative impact of vibration? Ridiculous.  Cryoed anything is another unnecessary mythological scam generally NOT used by cable manufacturers, and the contacts, if clean, between what are often gold plated non tarnishing plugs, sound fine and work perfectly without supposed enhancement.
There seems to be quite a disparity between pro audio and high end audio these days. As lot of it has to do with attitude. Pro audio needs what we used to call a sanity check or attitude adjustment. As things stand pro audio isn’t really much of a force. No offense, Wolfie.