What do you LIKE BEST about your current audio system?

Straightforward.. What do you like the most about your current audio setup? Particulars welcome. Name names of brands. Stuff about the room good too!(I will also, but not in the lead out)       
Also, maybe, things you still dislike, if any?
I like how it sounds life like, tone and the imaging. Not to big or anemic. It’s full and spacious. I had a channel imbalance that has been bugging me, fixed now. Cart set up issue. Now wondering about just a little more of. . .something. A blue or black fuse or a Padis. My rca’s on my tonearm wire are for shite $ wise. Anyway it’s sounds good overall just nit picking around edges. 
Great thread Elizabeth. When Christy Moore sounds like Christy Moore and Chris Thile sounds like himself. On a system I can load in and out of a hatchback myself. And does not change the family budget calculus. 
I like what the 833-A triodes do for the bass response of my woofers. My 833-A SET amplifiers are homemade because I could never afford the few commercially made ones available. I run it on 1000 Volts with interstage transformer coupling (Hammond 126B) for a 245 to drive it at zero grid voltage and a Hammond 1642SE output transformer. It was work to perfect it, but I have a design that works beautifully.
I like how honest it is. If the recording allows a deep wide sound stage, the system conveys that. If it's acoustic or horns, it conveys that in the proper space as well. It doesn't sound electronic & I am often able to have dead people performing in the room for me :-). It just sounds real. The amps are Valvet, preamp is Jeff Rowland, speakers are Tekton. The front end consists of Audio Alchemy DAC & phono amps connected to a cambridge transport & a hand made turntable with 2 arms. Phono cartridges vary with my mood. Power for all front end components & preamp is filtered through an exactpower transformer. The power amps (mono blocks & sub amp) come straight out of wall. 
Maggies don't disappear (although they do sound great)...they're simply too large for that, although useful as screens for quick costume changes. Try to change clothes behind my Heresy IIIs...you have to curl up in a ball on the floor. Another thing I like about my hifi pile is that I can induce a coma in 99% of the people I know simply by talking about tubes...a service I'm clearly happy to provide.