Audioquest 5000 or ???

Looking for a good Power Conditioner around 5k, will appreciate any advice. Thank you. 
I had a Audioquest 1000 power conditioner and now I have a Torus RM20. My system sounds more dynamic with the RM20.
Consider the newest line of power regenerators from PS Audio.  Why filter dirty power when you can regenerate a virtually perfect sine wave for all of your equipment?  Even better, these units significantly reduce the output impedance of connected equipment,  I have the P5 unit from the previous generation.  Its replacement in the new line is the P12.  The P12 is $4999.  However, if you have equipment you might like to trade in, PS will accept one or more pieces of equipment and take their value off the price of the new P12.

I have my entire system plugged into my P5 and am only using 30% of its capacity.
Thank You!!! I will take a good look to torus RM 20 and PS Audio. Thanks for taking your time. 
Consider the newest line of power regenerators from PS Audio ... these units significantly reduce the output impedance of connected equipment ...
How can a power regenerator reduce the output impedance of an amplifier? That doesn't seem possible. Please explain.