A trend I've noticed in ads.

More and more, I'm seeing in Agon ads sellers listing a piece as "new" when it is clearly not. Just a note of caution to potential buyers.
But when I get stuff from the manufacture I always open the box and verify that it’s there/correct. Such as I just ordered a pair of high frequency diaphragms for a pair of speakers that I have. When I got them I opened the box to verify that they were correct but I’ve never installed or used them. I would still want to list them as new.
I guess I would explain in the ad that I opened the box but they’ve never been installed…
Deceptive and misleading advertisements are all too common everywhere on the Internet. Even on eBay and Amazon. I’ve been burned and both of those portals have supported the seller - because they get paid by them. There is a plague of cowards on social media- not just the keyboard warriors who live here and elsewhere for the sole purpose of creating acrimony, but those who lie, steal and cheat without any consideration of the damage they do to others. 
I find the 'five years old, never out of box until I took these photos' (funny how it got all dusty in the box). 'Planned to use it but fell through. Now it can be YOURS for 90% of list!'
Here's one I absolutely love.... The item I am selling is brand new!.."I only opened the factory sealed box to take pictures for all you nice people". (duh) 
Then there was a guy recently selling an EAR 834L preamp
with "Less than 50" hours of use. Oddly somehow the EAR logo
was partially worn off near the dial.