Military grade

Military grade speaker cables ?
What is this ?

Exactly. That is why these cables are so special compared to the ordinary cables stressed by F14’s. ;-)

Military grade is a fashion statement by the marketing departments nothing more. ford and their military grade aluminum, wires now military grade all marketing hype. Mil spec is usually attached by military buyers for reasons specific to the needs of the requirements like hardening, shock resistance durability never have I seen it attached to quality other then for specific issues like impurities for corrosion prevention etc.  I've been a Navy submariner for 21 years and every time I see an add for military grade I think how many people are getting burned from the marketing hype.

Military grade in no way means better. as helomech stated

Sorry guys, but I am of a different opinion - I just concluded a years  quest to find good wire for Interconnects, speaker cables and Power cables

I ended up with Mil-spec wire from Take Five Audio - see

The 24 guage stranded silver plated "Mil-Spec" trounced the solid silver wire I had used in my Interconnects

The 12 and 10 gauge silver plated wire trounced wire from Furutech and DH Labs when used on the power cables.

And the 16 an 10 gauge silver plated wire trounced high quality wire from Van Den Hul when used on my speaker cables.

So I have to disagree with ...
Military grade is a fashion statement by the marketing departments nothing more
I'm not going to debate this ad nau·se·am - just letting you know what I found and observed.

Hope you find it useful - Steve