Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
“This proved to me that quantum alignment of the electrons provided by Perfect Path Technology is a game changer in high end audio.”


you are absolutely correct to call it a game changer. I honestly never dreamed I could achieve what I have with my relatively modest components and system.
OK, here’s what we know. The eCard is not magnetic. So it doesn’t work magnetically. Which means the larger mats don’t work magnetically either. So, the big elephant 🐘 in the room is how does it work? Does it have Graphene inside? If so, how would that do anything? If it’s not Graphene what the ding dong is it?! Share, share! And don’t tell me it’s artificial atoms.
I'm trying to remember if it was tommylion who had pasted the exterior casing of some HF mc-0.5's with TC and noticed an improvement. Wondering if pasting TC on an eCard would do anything or if its just not necessary. 
Hey t-ramey, I wouldn't waste the TC on an Ecard, it's two different things. 
We recently pulled the mc-05's out of  our main system.
We were horrified at the results.
The magnets effected the sound for the WORSE (major compression) and did bizarre stuff to our gear. Made his class D sub amps abnormally hot, even at idle~~~he's got  a sophisticated safety diagnostic in his amps, and it wrecked havoc with it....tons more problems.....  Much better without. And Yes, Timmy approved this message. LOL. <3
<3 Krissy