Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 

I'd go with the quantum electron (spin) alignment theory mentioned by mikeg above, but what do I know? It'd be great to understand exactly how it works, but, fortunately, no explanation is required to enjoy the benefits.

I did perceive an improvement when I first added the MC-0.5, and then again when I treated the pins and painted the housing with TC. It had been in place ever since. When I added the mats, I assumed (never a good idea) it would continue to be beneficial, or at least not cause any harm. When Tim shared his experience removing them, I decided to try taking mine out.
  As of 2 days ago I now have 8 mats.  There has been even more improvement to the bass and the soundstage has again gotten wider and deeper.  As some others have stated,  I have noticed that my speakers have vanished and there is more separation or air around the music.  Even more little details coming thru also,   truly awesome
I seem to recall Fremer was going to get one of these here products. What ever happened to that deal. It didn’t go down? Too bad Clark Johnsen of Positive Feedback seems to be out of the tweak game. But maybe he’s not.  And his buddy, Dr. Gaw. 
It will take time before this technology is massively embrace by the 'Gurus', but it will eventually happen. I am just glad I did find this discussion and was an early believer. For sure I also think is revolutionary, and it works much better than anything I have try before.

I have used 2 TC tubes (pasted everywhere), placed 6 Omega mats under components and B. Panel and 9 Alpha cards mostly power supplies & crossovers. Yesterday as a curiosity I did experiment removing my power amp and connected my old Rogers (Totally modified crossover) originally rated at 89DB to my modified/improved MZ2 Linear Tube Audio; this headphone Amp can be use as a pre or integrated amp outputting 1 Watt per channel. Again I was surprise NOT by the beautiful delicate and smooth sound, but the ability of the 1 watt to drive these speakers to a very satisfying level, YES i lost a bit of control and drive, however I don't think my amp is going to be reconnected... any time soon!

NO WAY I would be able to achieve this if I didn't implement PerfectPath technologies into my System. Just FREAKING AWESOME!