Tannoy gold 12" cabinets

Hello. I am looking for a recomendation on cabinet size for my newly aquired 12" gold monitors. I have done the usual searches but have not found exactly what I am looking for yet.

Thanks for any help you can provide
I built a pair of 150 liter bass-reflex enclosures for my 12" HPD's. 1 7/8"  net of two layers of MDF, which adds up to 192lbs. ea; sans drivers and crossovers. I've seen better looking custom cabinets built, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a better sounding pair.

Look for my Virtual System under "Done For Now", named "The Summit" (referring to my own personal summit, not as in ("best in the world").

When I was looking for a design for mine, there seemed to be a real dearth of helpful information. I found the most info on Hank Hilberdink's Tannoy website, if you join, you can post questions to members worldwide, and see what others have done. There is a Yahoo forum where you can post your questions. Also, my build photos and plans are posted there, under "Custom Heavyweights For HPD 315's".

Best of luck, regards,
Thanks for  the reply. It seems through research that these drivers should be put in quite a large cabinet. I was hoping to get in around 30" tall. Of what I have seen all are 40" plus. Maybe I have made a mistake buying these. 
Bear in mind that the cabinets Tannoy made were smaller, generally speaking, than say, what I made. For example, the Cheviot cabinets they made for my 12" HPD's were 33 1/2" H X 17 1/4" W X 10" D. Also, at less than half the internal volume, at around 65 liters, if I recall correctly. The smaller cabinets won't go as deep in the bass. You also want to remember to keep the tweeter centered at your ear height while sitting, it may involve using stands to get them the correct height.

I urge you to try putting them in an enclosure you can live with, and experiment with different aspects of size, porting, insulation, crossovers, etc. These are wonderful speakers, I'd hate to see you give up on them without at least trying them.

Do as much research as possible, and become familiar with Hans Hilberink's Tannoy website (sorry, I misspelled it before). You've got a great chance of ending up with speakers you can enjoy the rest of your life with.

Best regards,