Dynavector XX-2 MkII, riding too low?

I own the cartridge in the subject line. When I lower it onto the record surface the cartridge body is very close to the LP......only a tiny crack of daylight.....maybe a mm or two of clearance.  Is this normal? Is the suspension collapsed?

(Tonearm is level to LP and VTF is 2.0g)

TIA for the help!
I did that Mark......don't see anything untoward.

Just raised rear of arm a bit. Arm tube still looks parallel on the index card,  and clearance under cart now looks a bit better. At least the gap is even, front vs rear of cart body. Thanks for the input.
Awesome! Yeah to be honest, I’d be perfectly fine running a cart like that. At the end of the day, all of these are hand made/finished and none are absolutely perfect - you can always spot something a bit "off". No need to worry for now.
I had a DX20 like that and it ended up being the cartridge suspension had collapsed.
If the Cartridge suspension has collapsed you can send the cartridge to Soundsmith and they will replace it with probably a better suspension and stylus. They are the only company in the US that specializes in
cartridge repair that I trust. And they are reasonable. When buying a cartridge always look into the manufactures record for repairing a defective cart. Most are very slow (a year or so). Soundsmith does it in about two months and constantly communicates with its customers about progress of the repair. 

I have no connection with Soundsmith
Agreed.  I have used Soundsmith in the past.  They do excellent work at reasonable prices.