What is the most memorable concert that you had attended so far?


I do not go to concert very often, maybe once or twice a year.

I listen to music mostly through my audio system as much as 4 hours a day.

The most memorable concert that I had attended is the solo recital by Nathan Milstein held at Auditorium of UC Berkely on 1983.

He is one of the virtuoso violinist of the 20th century.

But he was 79 when he played at the recital on 1983.

When he played Partita by Bach, it was not his best.

Although he showed some of his skills, he could not keep up with the fast tempo as much as I wanted.

But as soon as he started playing "
César Franck, Violin Sonata in A Major.

I just marveled at the sweet sound of violin.

I could realize why he is one of the virtuoso violinist of the 20th century.

He died on 1992 so it is now impossible to attend his live recital again.

How about you ladies and gentlemen?

What is the most memorable concert that you had attended?
Here's another,

Tift Merritt. The last show of her "Traveling Alone" tour in her home town.
Chris Stamey opened for her. It was an outdoor show. The rain stopped right before Tift started to play. It was recorded by PBS for one of their future fund raisers. 

PS. I saw it with my daughter.Ponchos & Umbrellas my friends.

@tubegroover, we’re the same age, and I (Eric) had just turned 14 when I saw The Beach Boys live for the first time. All Summer Long was their latest album, and I spent the Summer of ’64 listening to it every day as my girlfriend and I made out on her couch for hours. Hi Mary Lou ;-) . She somehow knew the date of the show was close to the birthday of one of the boys, so she and two of her friends brought along a cake to The SJ Civic Auditorium to present to birthday boy. We went to the back stage door and knocked, and a security guard answered. He ushered in the three girls, but not I! I could not wait to start playing shows myself, and get some of that action ;-) . Less than a year later, I was.

I next saw The Beach Boys in the early 70’s at The Fillmore (with Chicago opening); Dennis had a broken arm, and was playing electric piano, Ricky Fataar was on drums. They were very strong; Chicago paled in comparison.

I met Dennis in 1982 at a small club in Venice, CA named Blackies. I was on stage that night, and he was sitting alone at a table, drinking. As I sat down to tell him how much I liked his solo album, I noticed how puffy his pretty face had gotten, presumably from drink. If you have a chance to see Brian live now, my advice is to not. Seeing and hearing him live (in the very early 00’s, with The Wondermints in his large band) was (apart from the death of my Mother when I was 15) the saddest, most depressing thing I have ever experienced. My heart hurts to this day.

@slaw, I too have seen Tift live, at The Troubadour in 2008, I believe it was. She was swell, but I sure wish I had seen Lucinda on her West tour. I’m now absolutely in love with that album.


I had lived in Chicago from  1989 to 1991.

It would have been nice to see Beach Boys in Chicago.

Michigan lake is like sea with beautiful beaches on it.
I had exact same experience with the Dead in 1978 in Cleveland.  Studying for my first grad school finals so completely unaltered and it was incredible,  Most recently, saw Kishi Bashi this past June at the Old Town School of Folk Music.  He was performing with a Kodo drum ensemble.  While I am a big fan, I can see a number of folks being not interested. But this show was such an unexpected experience - just amaizing.  There is no way anyone attending but unfamiliar with his music would not have left as a lifelong fan from that point on.  Someone posted on You Tube the performance of ‘Atticus in the Desert’ from that show for anyone interested.  A once in a lifetime performance and concert experience.  

And finally, George Szell and the Cleveland Orchestra in 1965 at Severence Hall.  I was 10 and it was my first live symphony.  Dvorak’s 9th.  Cemented my love of classical music!