Thoughts on Big Star

I've read a little about Big Star after getting two of their songs on a southern music CD sampler. I really like "For You" and "Stroke it Noel". After sampling some of their other stuff I found that I also like "September Gurls".

I really like those three songs but I'm having a hard time finding other stuff of theirs that I like.

Just wondering if anyone else is into them, which albums you might like best, which songs you like best, best approach to getting into them, which recordings/format you prefer? 

They seem to have been one of those 'influential' bands with critical acclaim and with a strong but small following. Sometimes I find that I just don't see the magic in some 'cult' bands of that sort but liking the three songs mentioned above I feel like they might be worth getting to know. My only streaming is low end iTunes....for now.
I am surprised no one has mentioned the sound quality of their records ? The three cd's I have from Big Star I would rate as the worse I have , in a 10k + collection. 
The three separate albums released recently (within the last couple years) as demo's, rough cuts, finals of their 3rd album, are all recorded well (on vinyl at least). 
I picked up the re-issue of "Radio City" today at my LRS. I'll be giving it a spin later tonight and let you know what I think. I've only heard "September Gurls", so most of it will be new to me.
Listening to #1 Record right now (iTunes). Did not realize that the theme song from That 70’s Show was "In The Street". I’ve led a sheltered life.
OK, I've been through my new copy of "Radio City" twice. I'm not really feeling it yet. I'll give it another couple of listens and see if it grows on me.