Denon DP-60L?

Anybody have one? I just picked one up in excellent condition. This thing looks great, is built like a tank and sounds excellent. I'd like to have RCA jacks installed so I can use different cables and I'm also going to have them go over everything while it's in the shop. Any certain areas I should have them check? They told me don't do a recap if I'm not having any issues. I'll be using it with an Ortofon Bronze, Lounge Audio LCR MKIII w/silver upgrade and KEF LS50 Wireless speakers. I got it for a great deal and don't want to put too much in it but I'd like to get many more years out of it if I can.

Thanks for any input.
Who is “they”?
do the recap.
do you notice that “I don’t want to put too much in it” and “I’d like to get many more years out of it” are internally contradictory?
The capacitors are cheap. Many of the parts they protect are not cheap and are sometimes NLA.
@lewm Thanks for the reply. It’s a local shop that’s been around a while and from ’what I’ve heard’ does good work. Yes, I’m more comfortable with a recap while it’s in there so it made me wonder too. As for “I don’t want to put too much in it” and “I’d like to get many more years out of it", you missed the if I can part and I probably should have said if it’s worth it instead. Is the 60L that nice of a turntable to put the money into it? I got it for the $300 range. Do I listen to it as is, hope for a few good years and save my money for a better turntable down the road? Sorry I'm not as experienced with turntables as others here.
I owned that table many moons ago and I gave it to my sister and she still uses it. You got a very nice table for 300 bucks. BTW, do you have the two interchangeable arm wands that came with that table?