How are you hearing no difference?

In my experience, I've never heard two pre-amps that sound exactly the same, nor two DACs that sound the same, nor two amps...etc. Yet, occasionally someone will claim that they heard no difference between Product A and Product B in their system.  I find it difficult to believe.

I know also time is a factor as well, I've listened to components I'm interested in and thought they sounded better because they did have more of this and that. but long term I wasn't listening to music anymore I was listening to what that component did well. Then you realise your only listening to the few things that component does well and not the whole, that's when you realise your not listening to music anymore but the components. That's why I have to live with something longer then a few days to get a whole picture, is that picture the music or the component? When I'm fully engaged in the music the component doesn't mater anymore that's what I look for. I was stuck in the listening to components wheel for a long time then I re-found music and stopped listening to the components and listened to weather that component brought me closer to the music and the musical engagement.

only advice I can give a new audiophile is don't listening to components listen to the music and weather you are engaged in the musical event.

There are so many factors involved it’s almost absurd. You got your time of day, you got your day of the week, you got weather conditions, I.e., high low pressure system/rain soaked ground, mistakes in the system, hearing issues, among many others.
I've bought stuff assuming it would sound great and been disappointed (rare, but some recent well regarded speakers failed me), but have also been very surprised here and current fave SE tube amp...some Schiit items...efficient horn speakers...all exceeded my expectations.
Cleeds ,I can't remember how to quote a post so here it is ,as proof just think back to just how many power cable and interconnect threads get locked , It never ends up good ,first and foremost audiogon is a for profit business ,not that that's a negative but don't think they will allow any posts deemed to undercut sales of advertisers ,and I don't blame them because it's not like we're ever going to resolve this issue ,the hundreds of locked & deleted threads about cables and the magic brick guys were putting next to their TT is plenty of evidence .