Thinking about a new, lower end CD Player

My current CD player is a basic, older Sony, probably 10-12 years old. Works fine but I could use it in another location with a lower end system. It seems to sound about as good as my Arcam CD92 that lost its DAC a while back.

So now thinking about buying a new CDP and have a couple of questions.

I’d like to keep this in the $300-500 range for units with internal DAC. Not looking for SACD player. Other than a remote, not looking for special features or multi disk players.

I’m guessing that in this price range SQ is probably comparable to other units in that range.

First, is a CDP in this price range going to sound any better than the old Sony?
Second, if not, is there any reason not to just buy a comparable $200 unit?
Third, for units in this price range ($300-500) is there any reason to look for one with balanced output capability and if so, is there any way to know if it is truly balanced.

Thanks all,


lots of good players in your price range, really just a matter of personal preference...I doubt any are truly balanced 
tngiloy2, my system is an AR LS-16 pre-amp, Proceed HPA2  amp and Aerial Acoustics 7B tower speakers. It is a nice older system I inherited. It is my first and only hi-fi system.

ab2ab, will look into those models but to be honest after two CDP failures I'm leaning away from used.

jl352, that's what I was told about the tuner so I wondered if that was true of CDPs as well. I don't mind paying for balanced and good XLR cables if it makes a significant difference but otherwise I'll save my money.
I have a Cambridge 640 that I use digital out to whatever DAC I'm using at the moment.  When the drawer stopped working, I took it out of the system and used an inexpensive Samsung Blu-Ray player (fortunately, I had the foresight to get one with a digital output).  Other than a small amount of mechanical noise (un-noticeable when playing music), it sounded the same as the Cambridge when playing through the same DAC.

Today, I use TIDAL and stream to my DAC.  Yes, the interface is clunky for classical music, but I can usually find what I am searching for.  I still keep and buy the occasional CD, but 90% of my CD collection is on TIDAL.  The new CDs are RIPed and played using iTunes or Roon.  The CD player (now fixed - just needed cleaning) goes for months sometimes without being used.
I’m a fan of the vintage Sony portable Walkman CD players as well as some other brands such as Panasonic made in Japan. The advantage is very low cost, escape from house AC, escape from all manner of expensive power cords, interconnects and speaker cables. Not to mention escape from the whole hoopla regarding what fuse to buy and what direction to put it in dissolves away like tears in rain. 😭 
Buy a preowned Linn Genki.  Fabulous CDP.  Balanced outputs and can be connected directly to an amplifier if you choose to bypass your preamp.  Worried about the laser assembly crapping out on you?  You can buy them on the cheap on ebay.  Done.