White Album Deluxe Anniversary edition

Anyone else have skipping on otherwise perfectly pressed albums at the beginnings of side 1 and side 2 of the Esher Demos?
People tend to like whatever version of an LP they grew up with, however, GM's work on SPLHCB and TWA is exemplary and restores sounds that were either buried in the mix, or bass that was rolled way off so that the LP would play nice on el cheapo record players back in the day. We're extremely lucky these projects even happened! That said, I have multiple copies of both that include Japanese pressings and MFSL releases, all in mint condition. IMO the new remixed releases blow away the originals. I'm using a SOTA Star Sapphire, Origin Live Silver arm, and Soundsmith Hyperion cartridge & preamp played on Genesis III speakers with Genesis Servo12 subs-- so fairly high resolution-- the new releases sound exceptional-- beautiful packaging and overall execution.
Agreed...It’s great to have the different mixes to enjoy. So great you can walk into a store and buy new Beatles vinyl at a reasonable price that sounds good on many systems.  How wonderful to have so many choices.
The album that I purchased that is skipping on sides 1 and 2 of the Esher Demos also came from Amazon. I have not returned or notified them yet, but I plan to. 
I can't speak to the LP version, but the CD version sounds spectacular--previous masterings sound like you're listening through a tin-can phone. What you miss on Tidal (and no, I haven't done a sonic comparison yet), is the spectacular printed material that accompanies the set. Every song is thoroughly annotated in a highly engaging fashion and while maybe not for everyone, seeing reproductions of the original hand-written lyrics and magnetic tape boxes is, to me at least, fascinating. Definitely check it out if you're a big fan, but one way or another, listen to the new version. I actually teared up listening to "Julia" and I hadn't even had a glass of wine at the time.
I have found that the physical quality of new vinyl, across the board, is hit and miss. About 1 in 7 pressings, even on on 180 grams, will begin to pop and crackle after just a few plays. I have a quality cartridge, but it makes no difference. Why does this problem occur when back in the day, vinyl was pretty much 100% reliable? I have read on Audiogon and other sites that some of today’s vinyl may be recycled from older records. Hope that is just a rumor, but something is causing these defective copies. . . .