Mapleshade boards under speakers

Anyone try these, either the finished or unfinished, 2 or 4", with isoblocks or brass feet?
My floors are soft yellow pine, and I've made overall improvements using a panel of birchply under them, wondering what the maple would do? He certainly makes great claims for them.

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Jrb55 and knownothing, good questions and points. In my somewhat limited experience with the mapleshade boards, I can say that the boards on the floor alone sound better than my floor by itself, and with my own brass cones under the boards things sounded even better. Has anyone tried different brass cones under the mapleshades, or did you go straightaway with their brass footers?
I can't say for sure if there's drainage going on or not, I can say there seems to be less vibration, hence the cleaner articulate sound.
I use two maple cutting boards sandwiched between two sets of grade 25 tungsten carbide ball-bearings under my 96lb. speakers. Removing the Brass 1/4 x 20 threaded cones that came with the speakers, and putting the 1/2 inch grade 25 tungsten carbide ball bearing in the empty slot works better in my system than brass cones under the maple butcher blocks. So maple and tungsten carbide ball bearing work very well together. This a form of floating your speakers.
Do an Ikea Lack platform, like the Lack Rack, except you'd just be using the two bottom shelves of the set-up (base shelf + first shelf).

Ought to work well, no?
Wow, alot has transpired here since I last checked in! Anywho, wood that can absorb away the mechanical energy from the component/speaker most efficiently, while damping the back energy trying to re-enter the component/speaker, is obviously the winner. Maple does a great job, having to do with it's hardness vs plastic molecular configuration. The really complicated part is fine tuning platforms (or which component and how thick), using footers where needed, and applying anit-resonance devices/weights where needed in combination to achieve a desired result. I have used 4" butcher block under components with great results and 2" butcher block underneath my subs. The subs responded to brass footers under the platforms and in place of there own plastic feet. The components did not respond favorably to brass footers, and the weights were negligible. It is always a process continues scenario, as it should be, for maximum enjoyment of this crazy arss hobby =:O )