Good FM tuner for around $1K

I’m looking for a decent FM tuner, would like to spend less than $1200 if possible. Used is ok, maybe even preferable. Any advice, or recommendations would be helpful and appreciated.
You will have to buy used. Not many making tuners anymore. McIntosh and Magnum are the few that are still around, and their tuners go for a lot more than your budget!
You should be able to pick up a really nice used tuner for $300-$500. 

The fmtunerinfo web site has (subjective) rankings of what the best tuners are and information about typical sale prices.

While the tuner itself is important, even more important is getting a good signal to it.  Use some of your budget on a good roof mounted antenna. 

I have an Onkyo T9090 II that I enjoy every day and with a good signal it comes close to CD in terms of sound quality.  I paid $200 for it.
Some good suggestions here, thank you. 
Which used Mcintosh tuners are the most desirable ?
For selectivity and sensitivity, the MR78. If your reception situation is difficult, that's THE tuner. For the sound quality of the amplification circuits, some prefer the MR77.
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