Pheonix Engineering Road Runner

This product was very popular when produced by Phoenix Engineering before they went out of business and seems to be even more popular after. My question is why hasn't some other manufacturer made something similar? The demand seems to be there.
Hi Lewm,
You stated, "I assure you that your Thorens is not so speed stable as you would like to think it is now and that you would benefit, or rather your listening experience would benefit, if you were to install a Roadrunner in combination with a Falcon (which ought to have enough power to drive your Thorens motor).’ But as I mentioned in my post, how will I benefit? What noticeable improvements or characteristics will I hear and by what degree? We’ve chatted in the past and I’ve always valued your insight but I believe you’ve overlooked the central point of my comment. What I’m getting at is that I cannot install the unit to determine whether I notice any so called improvements and through my past inquiries with Phoenix Engineering, I was simply told that my sound would improve.
 It’s kind of a moot point, because as we both know, the Phoenix engineering stuff is no longer available. However if you really wanted to acquire same you could probably find it. However, the improvements that I notice are an increase in the definition of individual musical instruments and voices within a complex presentation. In addition there was an improvement in the sense of pace and timing. I would not be without. This was with a Notts Hyperspace at first and now with a highly modified Lenco idler.
Thanks lewm,
This is the first time anyone's described the beneficial characteristics of owning these components. My thought also would be that this technology will grow further and become more common as time passes. Hence, the suggestion that SOTA purchased the intellectual property to these devices and will incorporate the into their product line.

I have seen the Roadrunner and Falcon being sold on eBay or other websites via HiFi Shark. But as I mentioned in my previous post, would I benefit most from the Phoenix Engineering devices or from a new Jelco or SME tonearm?