Discovering I may have the cleanest AC power in USA

PS Audio Noise Harvesters are on sale. $50 each.. So naturally I had to buy a pair. 36 hours later in my home.Well I clean the prongs, Caig Gold them, and plug them in.
I am wondering broken? DOA?
I move them to other outlets not on my stereo in the kitchen, in the bathroom (the bathroom has a air cleaner plugged in the same outlet, motor running). OK a single blink.
I remember the dimmer thing. Plug the Noise Harvesters into the stereo again.. and turn on the only dimmer in the place (in the bedroom, on a different circuit) KABLAM!!! Now they are blinking pretty regular. OK they are NOT broken.They also blink when I put them on an Adcom AC box also on different circuit than stereo. Both the Cable internet box and the WiFi box are on it. And yes they blink every minute or so.I checked the Furman REF 20 outlets, no blink. The direct to the amp.. no blink.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
So I apparently have just naturally the cleanest AC line in America? (For my stereo equipment.)
Part of it may be the fact I packed the duplex enclosure 20 amp single line I use for the stereo with small quartz crystals coated with Automotive dielectric grease, in small baggies, the duplex is also the Furutech GTX NCF type, and the wall plugs are also filled with the loose small quartz crystals, plus some flattened baggies of the crystals wrapped around the outside shell of the plugs at the wall
Good thing I only ordered two of the Noise Harvesters. More are not needed. (and I actually do not even need the two. but that is OK. I can keep them as a sentinel, to know if I ever get noise on the lines.
So I do not know if my home made anti noise crystals work magic? (along with the Furutech NCF which is basically a refined version of my own crystals) or if I really do have some of the cleanest AC around. (PS I live in a 90 unit apartment building, folks above below, around me. Things like my frig I have several ferrite cores with the AC zipcord wire wrapped in and around them, ditto air cleaners, lamps..
@elizabeth I wish you hadn't told me that! I must find a way to overcome it! 
I know it is easy to control humidity, temperature,.. but barometric pressure may be hard to control in any normal building!
This device might very well explain the Rudolph the Reindeer Light Up Nose legend. Is Santa an audiophile? Sleigh rides can be very noisy! All those jingling bells and such....

So the big question is when there is noise indicated on the line do you hear a difference with versus without the device? See a difference on your TV?
vair68robert, I understand that noise is different from voltage but a lot of noise comes from competition from neighboring factors which can affect voltage which is a sign that noise is being introduced in the line. Having a steady line voltage eliminates some of the sources of noise. Not all, but it helps narrow it down some. 
All the best,
Clearly I do not have enough noise on the AC lines to hear or see a difference. Even with the one dimmer in use in my apartment.. no change. (If the dimmer did make a change, I would have noticed it before now.. MY LP collection is in the bedroom, so using them the lights on and off a lot while listening. (The Noise Harvester is responding a lot to the dimmer even though the dimmer is on another branch. and the Noise Harvester is at least seventy five feet of wire and a few circuit breakers away from it.
Other folks have commented they can her the difference removing the AC line noise.
MY THREAD HERE is mainly saying I have no need for them. Period. Thus the I have the cleanest power in USA comment. But I do have to say using them to find the products which add noise seems very useful.
My laptop charger in particular is spewing HF junk.
One thing I am going to do is stuff that dimmer box back full of treated crystal baggies. and then see if the results matter to the Noise Harvester. I will report back on the results.            
Added ten minutes later: I pulled out the dimmer, stuffed a few baggies of treated crystals around the back, and wrapped one around each leg of wire. Results: lessened the blinking of the Noise Harvester by about a half. Still clear even blinks, but wider spacing between the blinks. from obviously one source. So the crystals did a little, but not a lot to eliminate the HF noise from the dimmer. The dimmer makes no noise if on full, or off. Only creating hash when actually 'dimming' the two 100 watt bulbs. (Yes I still use incandescent in there. They are not on a lot. and last for many years!