Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
BTW, his website is only set up to display 6 items at any one time. This is nothing like what his final offering of products will look like, but I don't know how many of the total amount of filters he has he will be introducing on the forums until launch...or even their pricing for that matter...all that remains to be seen...
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First of all, power factor is a joke. It's from around the turn of the last century.
Power factor is not a joke. To be fair, it's not a common problem with residential service, but that doesn't mean it can't be an issue. My PF holds at a rock steady 1, but that's only been true since the electric utility reconfigured our neighborhood supply to a different substation on a much higher kV line. If you live in an area where your substation also supplies industrial users, it's more likely to be an issue.
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While I think the AMD products have similar goals to achieve greater noise shielding and I don't mean to knock them but they don't come anywhere near as close to the level of the Perfect Path products.

I have quite a few of the AMD products that I purchased a couple of years ago and their effect is very negligible compared to that of the E-Mats and Omega cards.....and I haven't even heard the full of affect of them yet. The affect of the Perfect Path Technologies products is a clear and substantial improvement to sound quality. When I removed the AMD products ( six plug ins, two passive units and the wrap around the electrical service pipe I didn't notice any difference in sound and the overwhelming presence of the PPT products most likely caused that. I'm not about to remove the E-Mat and 8 Omega cards to how much the sound diminishes as I'm not willing to give up the benefits they've added to my system! Whatever Tim does to make his products so effective is very impressive and I look forward to adding more of his products to the mix.