anyone using piega speakers?

I just pulled the trigger on a pair of tc 50`s. I`ve not herd nor seen them. Not the smartest thing to do, I know,but they were calling my name. I will be using them in the bedroom with a manley stingray and a MD nu vista cdp. I think the tubes and the ribbons should sound sweet. These are odd speakers-check them out if you have not seen them. They make the case from a single piece of al in the Audi factory. Anyone the has these speaker, please comment-good or bad. Thanks
I hated them. I owned the C10 ltd and couldn't wait to sell them. Some of the worse speakers I have ever owned. They also have a very inflated retial price IMO. There's a reason why they are so discounted on audiogon. I figured that out the hard way.
I'll agree that Piegas are very expensive compared to other loudspeakers. But name one thing coming from Switzerland that is NOT more expensive than the same product coming from anywhere else. There is a reason for the expense. They are very labor intensive to build, and aren't haphazardly thrown together with off-the-shelf parts. The tweeter/midrange is built from the same stuff they wrap spacecraft in for goodness sake. Why? Because there is nothing else out there that will withstand the heat, and is light enough to play at 60kHz all day long.

As for them being "bright", I will agree with that too. But only if they aren't setup right, or your system is bright. If you feed them bright, you're going to get bright. If you want wooly, then don't buy Piegas. I listened to Spudco's setup back in the day, and I agree with him that C40's were not the right speaker for his application. They will not do a house party like a Dunlavy 5, nor will they have explosive and overly muddy bottom-end like a Vandersteen 5. If they aren't setup properly in a nice room, they won't do much of anything.

It took me 9 months to get my C3 Limiteds placed correctly in a dedicated room with thousands of dollars worth of treatment. I will admit, I could not do it alone. I had to have a guy come in with a RTA. But after 5 minutes with the RTA, and some laser alignment, I have never heard a better speaker. I've heard plenty of speakers that sound near as good, and one (Revel Salon 2) that I might consider trading the Piegas to acquire. But I didn't consider it for long b/c the Piega looks, and sounds prettier than the Revel.

Some say Revels are bright. And they're right too. If your system is bright, you're going to get bright from Piegas without a doubt. But I can honestly say that I swapped 20-30 pieces of gear in and out of my system in a year or two, and I found only a couple combos that made the Piegas sound bright. Remove the offending component, and they aren't bright.

If you like truth, and emotion, you will love the Piegas. If you like to fill a 5000 square foot home with tunes for parties, don't buy Piegas. If you aren't skilled at picking components that don't suck to go with them, then these probably aren't your speaker.

Also, Lofi, if you like the TC50, you cannot imagine what adding that planar midrange will do for you.
Well said Hantrax. Not in my wildest dreams would I label the Piegas bright. But they are revealing and that can be a problem for some. In the right room and system they are world class IMHO.

"Revealing," "airy," "fast," usually means elevated mid-treble. That does not translate to bright IF all else is flat. Bright is elevated low-treble or a generally tilted up response through the midrange. Piega gets away with it because everything is flat except 5k-8k Hz, hence some hear this as bright and others say it's revealing. Some instruments will expose this, muted brass, massed violins, certain organ stops.
I have a pair of C8s and a pair of AP3s.

Regarding the C8s, which I'm listening to now. I recently swapped out some Cardas N. Ref. speaker cable with some Nordost Heimdall...lemme tell ya (I'm pushing the C8s with a Pass X150.5)...the Cardas gave me the low end and harmonic richness a lot of you guys may be looking for/found missing with the Piegas. I'm also running Heimdall ICs and found that the Nordost IC/Cardas speak. combo was really nice. I may pop the cardas back in or try out some AZ Satoris. The ICs will stay.