Technics vs. Focal

I'm being offered Technics SB-C700 and Focal Aria 906 both at $850

One local home theater store loves the Technics while the other immediately dismissed them over the Focals.

I was wondering what this communities thoughts were on either brand?
Audiotroy seems to be a dealer and I wouldn’t easily assume he hasn’t heard the Focals.  Not sure if he got the chance to compare them side by side though.  
To me the Focal Utopia Bes and Electra Bes are never hot.  I can’t say that of the Aria though. 
On another note somewhat related to Audiotroy, the SB-C700 worked well with my friend’s NuForce ref9 3.0 ( sold my 3.01 ). Other than an ever so slight top end peak the combo played extremely well.  
Thank you to everyone for your input, it's great having the ability to bounce ideas off of people that don't get a commission based on my decision.  I ended up purchasing the Focal Arias because they sounded great to me and I couldn't pass up getting a $1600 speaker for nearly half the price.  Hope everyone has a good remainder of the holiday season!
Anybody who claims any modern Focal has a hot top end or anything but top to bottom smoothness simply hasn't really heard what they claim to have listened to. You can't find a professional review of a modern Focal product that indicates brightness. In fact, Herb Reichert goes out of his way in the 936 review to point out the nonsensical forum comments about Focal brightness and contrasts that with his experience of the 800 and 900 series. 

Anybody who claims any modern Focal has a hot top end or anything but top to bottom smoothness simply hasn't really heard what they claim to have listened to."

That is a silly, undefensible, and arbitrary statement, proclamation and accusation the greatest and most influential component in any music reproduction system is the room itself and for you to deny, reject, or ignore this simple, absolute, established fact reflects  ignorance on your part virtually any speaker can sound bright depending not only on the exact, specific room and its acoustic characteristics but also the associated components that comprise the specific music reproduction system used to conduct the evaluation and arrive at a result, conclusion, and determination.

Then it’s not really the speaker that’s bright, now is it? If any speaker would sound bright in a given room, then it’s the room that’s contributing the brightness.

Definitely some foggy thinking there.